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Preparing for your Twin Pregnancy

Posted By Dr Stephen Cole  
12:14 PM

If you have discovered that you’re pregnant with twins, it can be equally exciting and overwhelming. A twin pregnancy can come with its own health risks - for both you and the babies, which is why it’s important to seek the right care and support from the beginning of your journey.

As your private twin specialist obstetrician in Melbourne, I have over 20 years of experience and training to manage your pregnancy. For women in this situation, I understand that you may be concerned about the health of your babies. That is why myself and my team are committed to providing you with the care, knowledge and support you need to help prepare you.


The Importance of Preparing for Your Twin Pregnancy

Preparing for your twin pregnancy is very important, regardless of whether you’ve had a previous pregnancy or this is your first. My practice can help you with the following antenatal care:

  • Examine your general health with each visit
  • Address your concerns about your pregnancy journey
  • Discuss any medications you are taking
  • Provide advice on healthy eating and lifestyle changes


Things to Look Out for When You’re Expecting Twins 

The experience of twin pregnancies itself is quite contrasting to single pregnancies - even though it is often on the more challenging side. Twin pregnancies are classified as high risk pregnancies because complications are more likely to occur. However, that doesn’t eliminate the prospect of having a safe pregnancy and delivering healthy babies at the end. You may want to anticipate the following possibilities if you’re pregnant with a set of twins or triplets. 


1. Noticeable physical changes

Having a larger baby bump may be a sign that you’re carrying twins. With more significant changes, women who are pregnant with twins often appear to be further along in pregnancy than those with a single baby. 


2. Intense pregnancy symptoms 

Your morning sickness may feel worse than it should be, and you may be experiencing increased hunger, fatigue, and back pain. 


3. Maternal health complications

Unfortunately, multiple pregnancies are more likely to bring forth health complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, anemia, placental abruption, or twin to twin transfusion syndrome. It’s important to have an experienced obstetrician and reliable prenatal care to manage and minimise the risks of these complications. 


4. Preterm birth 

When you are pregnant with twins, you are six times more likely to deliver your babies prematurely. The uterus may confuse two early term babies for one full term baby, so it sends the wrong signal that results in preterm birth.  A number of pregnancy complications also increase the risk of preterm birth


5. Delivering via C-Section 

Women who are carrying twins are much more likely to have a cesarean delivery than those carrying one baby. Oftentimes, this is caused by positioning problems due to a lack of room in the womb. You may need to opt for a C-Section if you experience the following circumstances: 

  • The first twin is breech.
  • There is a large discrepancy between the size of the twins.
  • You have had a caesarean before.
  • Your pregnancy is complicated.


My Practice Specialises in Twin Pregnancies

I am a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, who has been practising obstetrics in Melbourne since 2005. Low and high risk pregnancies are my areas of expertise, and it is my particular passion and area of expertise to provide ongoing support to mothers who are expecting twins.  Many twin pregnancies progress smoothly, but I have extensive experience managing even the most complicated twin pregnancies.

Having had twin boys of my own, I have had my own experience with multiple pregnancies and am well-placed to manage yours. I’m passionate about ensuring you receive the best medical advice and intervention where necessary.

If you would like to schedule an obstetrics appointment for an ultrasound, checkup or anything else, fill out the online enquiry form or contact my Melbourne practice on (03) 9416 2802.


Exercise when Expecting Twins and Seeing an Obstetrician Melbourne

Regular exercise during pregnancy has many benefits, such as helping you stay healthy and feel your best. It can also improve posture, decrease discomfort from backaches, and alleviate fatigue. Physical activity may also contribute to preventing gestational diabetes, relieve stress, and boost your stamina (which you'll need for labour and delivery). If you exercised regularly before you became pregnant, you should be able to continue exercising in moderation. Focus on low-impact exercises and only do what’s comfortable.

If you weren't physically active before, it might be safe to start an exercise program during pregnancy, mainly walking or something equally gentle. Whether you are pregnant with one baby or twins, your obstetrician in Melbourne is the best person to give you advice about working out during your pregnancy.

There are certain situations in which exercise during pregnancy may not be a good idea. Women with medical problems such as asthma, high blood pressure, or heart disease might want to avoid exercise or limit it, as well as women experiencing spotting or bleeding, low placenta, history of early labour, history of miscarriage, or a weak cervix. Ask your obstetrician what amount of exercise, if any, is right for you.

Most exercises can be performed safely during pregnancy as long as you apply moderation. Walking, swimming, stationary cycling, and elliptical machines generally carry little risk of injury, can be continued throughout your entire pregnancy, and have significant benefits for your whole body. Keep in mind that you may find it harder to exercise with your faster-growing belly if you are pregnant with twins. Your obstetrician in Melbourne can discuss safe exercise options with you.



What Are the Different Types of Twin Pregnancy?


  • Dichorionic-Diamniotic (DCDA)


Occurring in 80% of multiple pregnancies, DCDA twins are the most common type of twins. Each baby has their own separate sac and placenta, and usually looks unidentical to their twin. 


  • Monochorionic-Diamniotic


MCDA twins usually share the same sex and identical features. The twins share a single placenta with separate sacs in the womb. 


  • Monochorionic-Monoamniotic 


MCMA twins are very rare and only occur in less than 1% of twins. The babies share the placenta as well as the same amniotic sac.


Is My Pregnancy at Higher Risk if My Twins are Sharing a Placenta? 

Yes. As well as all the general risks of twin pregnancies, there are some specifc complications seen in twin pregnancies where the placenta is shared.  Most important of these is a condition called Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS).  

TTTS occurs in about 10% of twins that share a placenta.  When twins share a placenta, they also share blood, as blood can flow freely between the two sides of the placenta.  In TTTS, the sharing of blood is unequal, so one baby has too much blood, and the other baby has not enough.  This can be a dangerous situation for both babies, and often requires urgent treatment.

TTTS is usually diagnosed on an ultrasound scan. So, if your babies are identified as monochorionic twins, it is recommended to go for an ultrasound scan every fortnight once you’ve reached 16 weeks of pregnancy. 


Do I Have to Attend More Prenatal Visits for Twin Pregnancy? 

Twin pregnancies are often more complicated than single pregnancies, so it’s important to seek antenatal care from an experienced twin obstetrician such as Dr. Stephen Cole. Your antenatal appointments will happen more frequently to reduce the risk of complications. Seeing your doctor on a regular basis will allow them to identify and address any potential complications at an earlier stage and implement the right preventative measures for more successful outcomes.